melanie schild
CEO, Association of Junior Leagues International
Melanie Schild is a sustainer of the Junior League of Memphis and started her Junior League journey at the Junior League of Denver in 1990. Having previously served as CEO of various girl and women’s organizations where she focused on leadership and community initiatives, she is currently the CEO of The Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI). During her 30+ years of nonprofit service, Melanie has created numerous initiatives to bring awareness to women’s and girl’s issues, including International Women’s Friendship Month, International Girl’s Day, the Stand Beside Her Movement and Working Mother’s Day. Throughout her career, Melanie has always found time to be involved in community service from serving on boards to making s'mores as a troop leader. Most recently, Melanie was named to the National Board of the National Panhellenic Conference where she hopes to raise awareness of the community impact these organizations have in their communities. Melanie’s favorite activity is spending time with her family, especially her daughter Emmaline who is a member of the Junior League of Washington D.C.